Unipoly Fashion Lab
Hello!!! Let us introduce you to UP Fashion Lab, unipoly’s newest pole. Did you know that the textile industry has a dizzying impact on greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and the social condition of its employees?
That’s why we believe in finding an alternative to the way we consume clothes, moving away from fast fashion brands and turning to sustainable purchases. And that doesn’t mean giving up your own style and the pleasure of dressing up.
That’s how UPFL was born. Our goal is to allow you to buy second hand clothes thanks to the organization of thrift shops and to get out of the “I don’t like it anymore/it’s damaged, I throw it away” cycle by creating workshops for repairing and customizing clothes in an upcycling perspective.
As our pole is brand new, your help and ideas are welcome! If you want to join us or have more information do not hesitate to contact us by email at upfl@unipoly.ch, on instagram @upfashionlab !
See you soon