The Unipoly association aims to raise awareness and initiate discussion on societal issues related to ecology with students at UNIL and EPFL and to bring ecological interests to the administrations of our schools.
Our activities are diverse, ranging from organizing meals with unsold food, to hosting a lecture by a famous economist, to taking care of beehives and keeping a student newspaper, there is always something to do!
Through the projects of the association’s steering committee, and the ten or so poles carrying out their activities autonomously, Unipoly seeks to offer students the best possible platform to put into practice their interest in ecology and societal issues.

Yaëlle F.
Lou B.

Guillaume H.
General Secretary

Colin S.
General Secretary

Laszlo B.
General Secretary

Lo P.
Event Manager

Juliette G.
Event Manager
Political Manager

Tim A.
Political Manager

Agathe P.
Communication Manager
Esther C.
Cohesion Manager

Morgane W.
Cohesion Manager
Jeanne R.
Logistics Manager

Ismaïl S.
IT Manager

Florian M.
Poles manager
Billie C.
Bérangère C.
Helena M.

By email:
On Telegram:
On social networks:
Via our postal address:
EPFL – Station 10
1015 Lausanne
Bank details
PostFinance – Berne
IBAN : CH72 0900 0000 1578 4598 0
IIB (N° de clearing) : 9000
Where to find us
We share our premises with the association Ingénieur-e-s du Monde, in the CM building of the EPFL in CM 1416.
We also use the premises of the maison de la durabilité au Vortex and have a garden near the Génopode building on the UNIL campus.