Personal information

Welcome to Unipoly!
In order to join our projects and get involved you can fill in the form below.

We have a membership fee of 10CHF/year which allows us to finance the internal animation of the association as well as extraordinary expenses.

If these 10CHF are THE thing that keeps you from joining our association, just sign up and the treasury will exempt you from the membership fee 😀


By submitting this form, I want to become a member of the association and I commit to pay the membership within 7 working days (or ask an exemption).

Telegram is used as a complementary communication channel to email. If you don't have a Telegram username, you can simply create one in the application settings see
Projects you plan to get involved in

I consent to my personal data being processed by Unipoly for the purposes of the association. To modify or delete data, please contact
