Ingénieur·e·s Engagé·e·s
The Ingénieurs Engagés (IE) movement aims to bring together all those who question the role and place of engineers in society. It mainly gathers students and engineers who want to give meaning to their (future) profession, aware of the social and environmental issues that our society must face today.
If you want to find a job that is in line with your principles and values, and that could put technology and engineering at the service of a better society, you are in the right place!
The launch of the movement took shape with the screening of the film « Ingénieurs pour demain » in December 2018.
Every person in search of meaning and sensitive to the values carried by IE is welcome, whatever the level of involvement in the movement!
So join us!
Practical information is available on the page IE du wiki.
Useful links : Facebook Page – Website
