Débouchés Durables
Hi! We are the new pole of Unipoly, created in September 2021.
We would like to create a place where students can go to get more info on what ethical and green jobs are out there after their time at Uni.
The transition from university to the job market is often nerve-wracking and pushes one to accept jobs in companies that may not be in alignment with the students’ values. The lack of opportunities and support available to find a proper job, seems to us to be a problem and we would therefore like to remedy it.
The creation of a permanent office and a website would serve as a guide to finding a place to work in an ethical and ecological company/association. We commit ourselves to promote only institutions that respect our previously determined criteria, on which you can read more in our charter. The goal is to differentiate between “greenwashing” and a concrete ecological impact and to put forward only projects where ecology and degrowth are a priority, in front of those who use these concepts to make even more profit.
At the moment we are creating the website with which it will be possible to sort the companies we have chosen, according to different categories.
Then, we would like to open the permanence where students could go for a consultation. We would be available to share with them the knowledge accumulated during our research and help them to know the options related to their training.
If you are interested, there are many ways to help us; researching and evaluating companies, creating and maintaining contact with them, maintaining the web page and refining the search engine, advising students/interviewing them, and many other things!
If you would like to meet us, ask us questions or get involved, please send us a message, we’d love to meet you! You can email us at: debouches-durables@unipoly.ch or contact us on facebook at @DebouchesDurables