The goal of the Apiculture project is to raise awareness among students and staff on campus about the issue of bee colony collapse disorder and to become familiar with beekeeping. To do this, the project has its own apiary composed of about 5 hives located on the Bassenges farm estate since early 2017 allowing us to learn about beekeeping and produce honey when the bees have decided to do so. In addition, we periodically offer theoretical courses in beekeeping and organise awareness events on campus (conference, film screening, etc.).
The project started in 2012 with the ambition of practicing beekeeping on campus, in particular to learn basic beekeeping techniques and better understand how bees work. It turns out that hives established in recent years in the city are doing well, so why not here? We also wanted to manage our colonies in the most environmentally friendly way possible.
The members of the beekeeping project committee have the opportunity to follow the courses given at the apiary school of the Lausanne Beekeeping Society called “La Picholette” (http://www.apiculture-lausanne.ch).
We are also supervised by a professional beekeeper: Thomas Ortlieb (http://www.apismellifera.ch)
Are you interested in learning more? Send us an e-mail!

Useful links
– Our facebook page Les Abeilles d’Unipoly
– Our instagram account unipoly_apiculture
– Thomas Ortlieb website, professional beekeeper
– Société d’apiculture de Lausanne – Possibility to practice at the apiary-school of La Picholette in the heights of Lausanne